Sunday, January 30, 2011

The First of Hopefully Many!

After adding my new ask page, I have already received three questions/comments! 

Liz Wrote: "I am asking a really long question to see how it comes through."

So I guess this isn't a questions, but I wanted to say that yes the text box to say something is small, but you can type and it will allow any amount of words. 

Liz Also Wrote: "I would like to schedule a training with you."

OK, so honestly, I don't what that means.  So if whoever Liz is, can send me another comment/question explaining them self, that would be much appreciated!

Anonymous wrote: "When do you get an e-mail stating that someone has made a comment? "

I don't get an email notification, I just check that email every couple days.

So I just wanted to make a quick note. The "time stamps" that are next to each question when I get one say the time and date the person sent the question. I'm not sure if them are correct though...  

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day to Night

Just a quick post.  Today I went on some errands with my mom, and wore this:

Cardigan: Delias, Shirt: Urband Outfitters, Scarf: Don't know...  Jeans: American Eagle

Cardigan: Delias, Shirt: Urban Outfitters, Scarf: Don't know...  Uggs: Nordstrom,  
Skirt: American Apparel, Leggings: American Apparel, Leg Warmers: American Apparel,

It is very easy to turn a day look into a night look. For me, I added the detail or leg-warmer,  clipped my bangs up and switched my jeans for a skirt. You can always add some jewelry, change your hair and make up, or switch one or two big pieces. All these changes can make that simple day outfit, become a put-together night look. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Friends... Forever?

I don't get something. How come when two people are friend, and one treats the other really badly, the one being treated badly always goes back to the bad friend? It just doesn't make sense in my mind. If I had a friend that was treating my terribly, then I would either talk to the, or give it some space... or something. I wouldn't follow them around like a puppy dog. I'm sorry that was a little unneeded, but I have been noticing it a lot between people in my grade. Like it is everywhere. One person is a bad friend and the other one is an amazing friend. The amazing friend always finds away back to the bad friend... I mean I understand best friends since forever, and all that stuff but... I just hate to see people allowing their closest friends to treat them like they are nothing. I guess I don't get my own age? 

Also, don't you hate looking at old pictures of yourself with your, then, best friends, and thinking about that huge fight, or big move? It tears me apart. I was looking through a stack of old pictures from all different ages of myself with my old friends. It makes me sad how I think about how amazing our friendships were, and how stupid the end probably was. I guess when you look back at old pictures, you don't think about the faults in the relationships... but I can still miss those good times... right? The hardest part is seeing that BFF now, talking about her new best friend- who isn't you. And even if you were to become friends again, through some twisted fate, it will never be the same. And when you hear that friend talking about how upset she was about something or how she cried over a fight, you know you can never be that shoulder to cry on, that person to wipe away the tears over mean girls and stupid boys again- no matter how much you would like to. You will always be making new best friends, but will still have those old pictures to look back at and say "what if we didn't have that fight" or "What if I hadn't moved." But you can't get lost in the what-if's. Keep moving forward, and don't have regrets.
 "Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

Sorry about the mushy gushy post. I sorta of just flooded out of my hands. I fun post coming soon. 


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

...Over Load....

Sorry about all the picture. I'll write a really long post soon. WITH NO PICTURES.

The Dress

I bought a dress. I had no where to wear it but was in love with it. I really wanted to keep it but my mom said I should get something I can wear everyday with the money. So here is the dress. I'm sad to see it go, but I'm happy to get something I can use.

Help! Curly or Straight?

 I have a question. Which is better? Curly or Straight?

Ok, I know I shouldn't ask this on my blog, but I am THE most indecisive person. My mom thinks I should treat my hair with a nourishing treatment that also straights it. I don't know I have should. My hair is really hard to deal with in the morning, but on those rare good hair days it is really cute. I know the treatment is not permanent, but I don't know....


I was looking though my computer and facebook, I came across a bunch of pictures I didn't remember. Thought I'd share a few.

^ I chose  this because I find it funny how different my room looks, All the furniture is moved around^

^this one and the one below are from 7th grade. I think before parties.^

^This is from the first time I brought my friend golfing^

I think ^this one is from 3 years ago when I went to Italy.

I don't know how old Im ^here but It is my friend Alli and I playing with dolls.

^This is my brother and I around 2 or 3

^This is me with a friend at camp many years ago.

^This is my brother and I at the beach... I don't know how old.

^ Oh 6th grade Greek Day!

^Just a cute picture from when I was little, with my brother and sister.

^Halloween 7th or 8th grade?

Anyway, Thought those were cute/interesting pictures.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Replanting Israel

I am selling trees. Well I am raising money to plant trees in Israel since the wild fires completely destroyed the forests in Israel. I'm doing this not only to help Israel, but also to help me go on a trip to visit Israel. Half of the money I raise goes to my trip. I will add more to this post, but for now use the following links:

Questions?(email)  Questions? (ask Page)

Crew Looks

Yesterday I went to a sale with my friend and her sister and J.Crew. My friends sister always shops there, and she always looks so cute. I loved almost every display. It's still preppy, but now with even more of an edgy twist. I want to mix urban outfitters, J.crew, and Anthropologie. I have a few things from each, but I want the entire store of all three. I love the mix of girly, edgy, boho, sporty... all of it!  Anyway... here are some pictures from J.crew.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I know I haven't posted a proper post in soooooo long, but I have been sick for almost a week now, and I think my brain has turned to mush. So... I'm waiting to see something and be inspired and have 10000 things to post about, but it hasn't happened yet. Yes, I know this is a post and technically this is a topic. So here is a quick update on my boring life:

  • I had gone away with my family to the Dominican for December break. It was fun (shown in the pictures) I was allowed to bring a friend, so I brought one of my best friends, Liza. Learn a little about her, here.   My brother also a friend. We were a crowd, My mom and dad, Sister, brother and 2 friends! 
  • After vaca, I had a ton of tests and projects in school.... ick
  • I got sick around last Friday, and am just getting over it still. Slight stomach bug. 
  • I missed Monday and Tuesday of school, and today and tomorrow are snow days (6 day weekend)!
  • I have been religiously reading this blog I found on a friends blog. It dates back to 2003, and I have been reading every post and trying to get caught up. 
  • From reading ^ that blog, I have decided I rreeeeaaallllyyy want to try and get back on track and do almost daily posts. Its one of my new years resolutions.
  • The snow on the trees was  gorgeous! I'll try to get pictures tomorrow
  • My friends now make fun of me for how much I use the word blog in verb form
  • Some on my friends want to me start a new weekly thing on here where I answer fashion/life questions. My friend said I give amazing advice, specifically on fashion and life. So if you have anything you need advice on, click HERE and ask away. It can be anonymous! You can also ask me ANYTHING, about myself, blog or... well anything
So..... I guess that is it, tomorrow I am hopefully posting a winter wonderland post about sledding, shoveling and snow!



After being outside, the best is sitting in sweats on the couch with tea and a movie on, next to this:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Punta Cana

My sister being taught to dance by our driver

Guy serenading out table

The woman who works at the bar who became friends with my sister

My sister sitting on my brothers friend

My brother sleeping at the pool

My brother making fun of my dad



Dancer on the boat... :P

After dinner...

The beach

Dune Buggies

Cute little house on the trail

Swimming in the cave

Hanging in the pool


Happy New Years Eve-Eve


Photo shoot before we left

We wanted to leave our mark :)

Getting on the plane

My sunburn... My sister called me tomato the rest of the night

Our MANY (11) bags

My Dad